Hankach: We Are Hostages to an Armed Militia Controlling the Country

Kataeb Lawmaker Elias Hankach stated, "We are hostages to an armed militia controlling the country."

"Who, in the Parliament, decided on peace and war? Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has left us without a single friend in the world. Today, he attacked Cyprus, a country that welcomed Lebanese refugees during the war, whose planes we rely on whenever a fire breaks out in Lebanon, and where a large Lebanese community works," Hankach said in an interview with "This is Lebanon" newspaper.

"This irresponsible behavior is dragging Lebanon into yet another crisis. We are already isolated from our historical allies due to a systematically flawed foreign policy that has endangered Lebanon and its people's interests with the Gulf states. Now, we are antagonizing Europe, not forgetting that Cyprus is a member of the European Union and NATO. No responsible leader should act this way," he went on to say.

Hankach reaffirmed that this war does not represent the Lebanese people, noting that no Lebanese asked for it. 

"This diversionary war has not affected or changed the situation in Gaza. Today, the residents of the south have been displaced, this region has been destroyed and bombed, and it will take decades to restore its green wealth," he stressed.

He pointed out that Cyprus is inherently a peaceful country.

"Instead of seeking peaceful solutions, we are heading towards more wars and escalating the conflict further," Hankach concluded.