Hankach: Enough with Constitutional Violations!

Kataeb MP Elias Hankach affirmed that "Kataeb Leader MP Samy Gemayel, has been clear in all his positions, particularly regarding the presidency."

"We want assurances, including the prevention of quorum manipulation, House Speaker Nabih Berri's commitment to hold open sessions, and the withdrawal of candidates, and once these conditions are met, we will move beyond formalities," Hankach said in an interview with "MTV".

"No one should view the opposition as divided, and the Lebanese Forces are a part of it, and MP Ghassan Hasbani has attended all its meetings; we are committed to the unity of the opposition," he noted.

"When everyone lined up to elect Michel Aoun as President, the Kataeb Party stood alone in its position, and our MPs elected the martyrs of the Cedar Revolution; despite our openness, we remain steadfast," Hankach stressed.

Hankach asserted that "the Parliament has no right to do anything except elect a President of the Republic."

He added, "Enough with the constitutional violations. Should we gift the 'Constitution' to House Speaker Nabih Berri?"

"There is a normalization with the vacuum in this country. The Constitution is clear: during the presidential election, the country, the Parliament, and the entire state should not be paralyzed to secure the interests of some parties," he went on to say.

"The Free Patriotic Movement made many mistakes and obstructed the government "for the sake of the general's son-in-law," delaying the presidential election for two and a half years," Hankach concluded.