Geagea Urges Elections as Sole Solution to Lebanon's Presidential Crisis

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea emphasized in a statement on Thursday that the presidential crisis in Lebanon can only be resolved through elections.

Geagea criticized those suggesting that dialogue is the only path to electing a president, arguing that such statements essentially imply a refusal to accept any candidate other than their own. He deemed this stance as unacceptable and firmly rejected it.

Lebanon has been facing a presidential vacuum since October 2022, following the end of Michel Aoun's term, as neither Hezbollah nor its opponents have garnered the necessary majority to elect a new president.

Geagea lamented the failure of attempts to negotiate with other parliamentary blocs for democratic elections over the past year. He accused the so-called Axis of Resistance of persistently advocating for their candidate, Suleiman Franjieh of the Marada party, thereby obstructing progress towards resolving the crisis.