Free Patriotic Movement Condemns Killing of Pascal Sleiman, Calls for Justice and Vigilance

The Free Patriotic Movement condemned on Tuesday “the heinous crime” of kidnapping and killing citizen Pascal Sleiman, demanding the truth and circumstances of the crime to be revealed and presented to the Lebanese public opinion, calling for the harshest punishment to be inflicted on the criminals in order to uphold justice.

The FPM reminded that the involvement of Syrians in the crime highlights the dangers resulting from the density of Syrian displacement to Lebanon, which the Movement and its leader were the first to call attention to and address in a manner that controls displacement and achieves return.

While offering condolences to the family of the victim, the Lebanese Forces party, and all Lebanese who were shocked by this horrific crime, the Movement affirmed its commitment to the choice of the state and its security institutions.

It also urged the Lebanese to be aware of the dangers of sedition and to avoid slipping into it, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and awareness, especially in this critical and dangerous situation.