Matt LeBlanc Gets Turned into 'Everyone's Da' Meme Following Friends Reunion

It has been several days since the Friends reunion first landed on our screens and it's fair to say we're nowhere near over it. Nope, not even close.

The show brought us laughter, tears and quite possibly the best meme to grace the internet in the whole of 2021, thanks to the one and only Matt LeBlanc.

His character Joey Tribbiani was known as a lothario of Manhattan and, quite frankly, a bit of a f***boy, although a loveable one at that.

But, when the actor stepped out with his former co-stars for the eagerly anticipated reunion, many fans were shocked at the middle-aged dad vibes he was giving off, despite the fact that he is quite literally a middle-aged dad - he's 53, with a 17-year-old daughter, if you're wondering.

Anyway, Matt has become somewhat of an internet sensation - a man of the people, if you will - with people all over Twitter pointing out his resemblance to pretty much every middle-aged dad we know, and it's nothing short of incredible.

"Joey bringing big lorry driver from Strabane at the BBQ after a child's christening energy," one Twitter user, while another added: "Matt LeBlanc looks like my da watching us open our presents at Christmas with no idea what my ma bought us."

A third wrote: "Matt LeBlanc looks like yer da’s pal who can burn you CDs that aren’t even out yet."

"Matt LeBlanc looks like a fella you’d end up having a deep conversation with in the residents bar after a wedding. 10 pints deep and he’s giving you the best advice you’ll ever get. You’ll never meet him again but his sage wisdom sticks with you forever, a gentleman," another Twitter user wrote.

A fifth added: "I enjoyed Matt Le Blanc’s 'Da sitting on the couch during a quick stop at your grans' performance."

Iconic. Friends truly is the gift that keeps on giving.