Presence of 600,000 Syrians in Schools Raises Risk of Integration

The number of Syrian students in public and private schools is 267,000, while the UNHCR indicates that the registered number with them is 321,512, and it is estimated that the number of school-age Syrian students is 600,000, with a percentage of 51.80% registered in schools.

While schools can no longer accommodate more displaced students, donor agencies insist on registering all of them and make it a condition to continue support. This is coupled with the integration of Lebanese and Syrian students in the morning shift starting from next year, which the Ministry of Education rejected, considering that integration carries significant risks and does not return the displaced to their country.

According to "An-Nahar," statistics indicate the influx of more displaced children into schools, benefiting from the support of donor agencies. While the Ministry of Education aims to decrease the numbers of students attending morning sessions, which is currently 30,000 according to ministry statistics, international organizations are pushing Syrian students to enroll during this period. This is encouraged by school directors, as the more students they have, the more funding they receive from donors.