Kataeb Party Calls on International Community to Pressure Iran to Stop Funding Armed Groups

The Kataeb Party’s political bureau held a meeting under the chairmanship of Party President Samy Gemayel. After discussing the latest developments, the following statement was issued: 

1- The Kataeb Party and the opposition have shown full cooperation with the numerous domestic and international presidential initiatives proposed to save Lebanon from its state of deadlock during this critical moment for both the country and the region. They have offered all possible facilitation to reach a consensus on a neutral presidential candidate who is acceptable to all parties and capable of putting the country back on the international map.

It has become evident that Hezbollah and its political allies do not want to elect a president and are thwarting one initiative after another to dominate the negotiation table and secure deals that suit them and Iran.

Therefore, the Kataeb Party calls on the international community to stand by the Lebanese people, who reject the imposed hegemony, and to help Lebanon break free from external control. This can be achieved by pressuring Iran to stop funding an armed group operating outside Lebanese legitimacy, which uses its weapons with complete freedom and sovereign decision-making.

Sometimes it justifies its actions by claiming to support neighboring countries to prevent war from spilling into Lebanon, and other times by claiming to support the Palestinian cause. However, the consistent and certain intention is to secure a position in the regional settlement at the expense of Lebanon and the Lebanese people.

2- The Kataeb Party believes that the provocations that occurred in several Lebanese regions demonstrate that Hezbollah and its allies now rely solely on their excess power and dominance when dealing with other Lebanese citizens, operating under the premise that they are first-class citizens while those without weapons are second-class.

It unequivocally condemns the abhorrent sectarian actions that took place in Bourj Hammoud and the provocative chants targeting Christian holy sites in the area.

Additionally, the Kataeb Party considers the clashes that occurred in Hayy Madi as evidence that the discord denounced by Hezbollah's Secretary-General is perpetuated only by illegal weapons, which now require a fundamental and definitive resolution.