Tensions Rise After Hezbollah Truck Accident in Kahale

A Hezbollah arms truck flipped over Wednesday on the Kahale road after which a deadly clash with residents erupted, media reports said.

TV networks said Hezbollah members opened fire in the area, killing a Kahale resident and wounding another person.

One Hezbollah member was also killed in the incidents according to reports.

The Lebanese Army was meanwhile trying to contain the situation in the area after the withdrawal of Hezbollah’s members, amid an attempt by residents to prevent the removal of the truck.

“The truck belongs to Hezbollah and we don’t know what’s in it and we have left things to the Lebanese Army to control the situation,” sources close to Hezbollah told al-Jadeed TV.

“The army will erect additional checkpoints to control the situation in Kahale and remove the truck’s cargo,” the sources added.

Kahale’s municipal police chief meanwhile told MTV that the town’s residents will not allow the removal of the truck.

“We lost a young man who fell dead on the church’s stairs after they opened fire on us,” he said.

“Several buildings in Kahale came under gunfire and the army is continuing to prevent residents from approaching the truck,” MTV reported.

“Security officials received phone calls from Hezbollah officials who asked them not to intervene in what’s happening in Kahale,” the TV network added.