Sonatrach to Dispatch Fuel Cargo to Alleviate Lebanon's Energy Crisis

Algerian oil and gas giant Sonatrach has begun preparations to ship a 30,000-ton cargo of fuel to Lebanon, as part of an effort to assist the country in overcoming its ongoing energy crisis.

The fuel, processed at the port of Skikda, is scheduled to be dispatched to Lebanon on Thursday aboard Sonatrach's Algerian-flagged tanker, In Ecker, according to Algerian media outlet Nahar Online.

This decision was reportedly made under the direct orders of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, in what has been described as a gesture highlighting the strong bilateral ties between Algeria and Lebanon.

Sonatrach indicated that the fuel shipment would enable Lebanon to restart its power plants and restore electricity, providing much-needed relief to a country grappling with severe energy shortages.