Interior Minister, ISF Chief Stress Vigilance in Wake of Attack

Interior Minister Raya El Hassan and ISF chief Imad Othman on Tuesday visited Tripoli in the wake of the deadly attack on Monday night which killed two policemen and two Army soldiers.

“This was an individual incident which we put an end to,” Hassan stated in a televised news conference, stressing the need for a high level of vigilance to avert any future recurrence.

For his part, Othman condemned what he described as a painful terrorist act against Tripoli, affirming that the ISF are in complete readiness and are strong enough to handle the situation.

Othman said that the attacker had acted alone, adding that he was previously arrested in 2016 and imprisoned for 1 year and a half.

He was “psychologically unstable", Othman told reporters.

Othman thanked Tripoli residents who helped security forces in locating the terrorist, saying that it is a proof that everyone in Lebanon seeks to fight terrorism.