Israel Files Complaint Against Hezbollah at UN Security Council

Israel filed a complaint against Hezbollah at the UN Security Council on Wednesday, accusing the group of setting up a terrorist cell in Syria's Golan Heights to attack Israel.

"The State of Israel will not ignore the conversion of Syria and Lebanon into a military front against it and will act forcefully against this aggression," Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, told the council members, calling on them to condemn Hezbollah's activity.

Earlier on Wednesday, Israel claimed that Hezbollah has established a clandestine cell in southern Syria to attack Israeli targets in the Golan Heights.

Israel said that the "terror" network, made up of Syrian militants, is run jointly with Iran's Revolutionary Guard and is led by a Hezbollah operative accused of killing U.S. troops in 2007.

The U.S. had charged Ali Moussa Daqduq, for abducting and executing five American soldiers in Iraq.

The cell, according to Israel, is stockpiling weapons, collecting intelligence and recruiting militants to launch attacks against Israel.

"The field operatives who fill the ranks of the network and act exclusively in Syria are composed of various groups and networks who previously took part in terrorist activity in the Golan Heights under the notorious network of Kantar and Mughniyeh," the army said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Hezbollah's move, deeming it as part of Iran's aggression against his country.

"Hezbollah is a terror organization. It's a proxy of Iran," he said.

"I have a clear message for Iran and Hezbollah: Israel knows what you are doing, Israel knows where you are doing it. What we have uncovered today is just the tip of the iceberg - we know a lot more," he said.

"Israel will continue to do all that's necessary to defend itself," Netanyahu affirmed. "We will continue to use all means, overt and covert, to block Iran's effort to use Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza as forward bases for attacking Israel."

Israel said the unit had been established without Syrian President Bachar Assad's knowledge, holding, however, his regime responsible for anything that happens inside Syria aimed at Israel.