Marouni Calls for Strengthening the Lebanese State Amid Regional Tensions and Displacement Crisis

Elie Marouni, advisor to the leader of the Kataeb Party and former minister, pointed out “The city of Zahle is experiencing war just like other Lebanese regions, although it is not directly affected. However, neighboring villages are being targeted, and Zahle is now hosting displaced people, sharing their tragedy.”

In an interview with OTV, Marouni affirmed that “hosting displaced people is a humanitarian act and a national duty,” stressing the need to distinguish between the displaced and armed individuals to prevent the misery of targeted areas from spilling over into safer regions.

He called on security forces to pay close attention to every detail to mitigate problems between armed individuals and residents.

He considered that “the sight of some displaced individuals parading their weapons in the streets provokes the residents, especially since everyone is fearful. Therefore, security forces must be prepared for any incident.”

He added: “The battle in Lebanon is far from over because nothing has changed among the warring parties. Hezbollah remains committed to linking Gaza with southern Lebanon, in the absence of a state, as the decision is more Iranian than Lebanese. Even though we are all striving for a ceasefire, if Hezbollah continues to make decisions unilaterally without consulting the State, we will remain trapped in war.”

Marouni further noted: “We rejected war with Israel from the beginning. Even during the 2005 dialogue sessions, we demanded that weapons be confined to the Lebanese State and that the authority to declare war and peace be solely in its hands, rejecting the existence of a parallel state alongside the official one. But the presence of illegal arms has effectively erased the state's actual presence on the ground.”

He stressed that “an Israeli military operation in Lebanon could have been avoided through diplomacy and political negotiations if the State had full authority.”

Marouni continued: “When Israel attacks Lebanon, it is incumbent upon all Lebanese, alongside the army, to confront and defend the country. However, the decision for war must belong to the Lebanese State. Unfortunately, today our ‘state’ is virtually nonexistent.”

He added: “We are the advocates of the 10,452 square kilometers and do not accept that Israel takes even an inch of Lebanon. We reject any harm coming to any segment of the Lebanese people. This is what the Kataeb Party leader has reiterated: we do not wish for the defeat of any party.”

He questioned: “Our country is ill-prepared for war – there is no electricity, no medicine or food supplies, and no shelters. How can we fight a war when we are not even equipped to protect ourselves or achieve victory?”

He added: “We call for the ‘Lebanonization’ of Hezbollah’s policy and its return to the embrace of the State to save what remains of Lebanon. Since 2005, we have called on it to hand over its weapons to the Lebanese army and to build a State with fully functioning institutions.”

Marouni emphasized that “we must look beyond the ceasefire,” asking, “Are we once again going to accept living in a State within a State? We do not want weapons other than those of the Lebanese State.”

He stated: “We do not intend to profit from Hezbollah’s defeat, as it is an essential part of Lebanon's fabric. Lebanon can only survive through consensus, but the Lebanese fear the continued Iranian control over Hezbollah’s policies in Lebanon.”

He added: “Hezbollah needs the support of all Lebanese to achieve victory. Even today, House Speaker Nabih Berri is calling for a ceasefire and the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701. Therefore, we must take the initiative to cease fire and engage diplomatically with countries to pressure Israel to agree to a ceasefire.”

Marouni considered that “a Lebanese ceasefire would be a victory, as Israel intends to destroy Lebanon entirely. Lebanon’s development and prosperity are Israel's greatest enemies.”

He stressed that “true loyalty today means standing with Lebanon and not participating in its destruction. Working to strengthen the state is our priority,” asking, “Is demanding a strong state considered treason?”

“We reject any party, whether Hezbollah or others, carrying weapons in Lebanon. The Lebanese army must be strengthened, and it will be properly armed by supporting nations only when the army has full control over Lebanese territory. The presence of Hezbollah's weapons has been an obstacle to arming the Lebanese army," Marouni indicated.

Marouni noted that “UNSC Resolution 1701 must be implemented by both sides, but Israel has no intention of doing so. Moreover, Hezbollah’s control over the State has prevented the government from enforcing it.”

Commenting on Mikati’s position and the statements of Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Marouni said: “We support caretaker Prime Minister Mikati’s stance and consider it a good step toward reducing Iranian interference in Lebanese affairs. How does Ghalibaf have the right to negotiate on behalf of Lebanon when we have political and diplomatic figures capable of handling these matters?”