
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Wednesday 16 March 2022 11:44:57
The Kataeb party on Wednesday slammed the current ruling authority for its failure in controlling the deteriorated situation currently plaguing the country, stressing that it has become the greatest danger to the Lebanese people.
“The indifference of the ruling elite to the sufferings of the Lebanese people is an unforgivable crime as it is committed knowingly and intentionally. This class is not aware that the Lebanese are trembling from cold amid a terrible storm and the increase of the fuel prices. It is not aware that the majority of the Lebanese people are unable to access basic goods including food and water as they cannot cope with the increased cost of living,” read a statement issued by the Kataeb Political Bureau following its weekly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Saifi.
The politburo wondered about the reason why the cabinet was not held on daily basis so as to put a plan to cater to the needs of the population.
“We , as the kataeb party believe that a real comprehensive plan can save the country as this political class has consistently failed to press a reform at crucial moments due to its incompetency and desire to keep its grip on the Lebanese people,” it noted.
The Kataeb party stressed that this class poses a great threat to the country, its borders, its waters, its economy and its sovereignty, calling on the Lebanese people to hold accountable every responsible of this deteriorated situation through the ballot boxes.
“We are deeply concerned about the delay in approving the additional funds for the holding of parliamentary elections locally and abroad and the related draft law has been transmitted from the cabinet to the parliament by decree referred by the President. The Interior Ministry is unable to initiate the necessary procedures of printing electoral lists, equipping pens and other preparations without the funds,” it said.
“The requirements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are compounded by the fact that it is obliged to secure electoral headquarters that will not be free of charge, and to equip them with the necessary requirements and to inform expatriates of their place as soon as possible, as a large number of Lebanese abroad will have to travel large distances to cast their votes, in addition to securing the dues of diplomatic missions in the countries where the ballots will take place,” it added.
“We call on the Parliament to convene upon without any delay in approving the appropriations and launching the electoral process,” it stressed.
The Political Bureau considered that the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon had re-corrected the ruling of the First Instance Chamber and had unanimously convicted two members of Hezbollah, Hassan Merhi and Hussein Oneisi, to join the first accused Salim Ayyash.