Kataeb Party Says Hezbollah Stance on Israel-Lebanon Demarcation Borders Resumes all Stances

The Kataeb party on Tuesday stressed that the real battle today is to liberate Lebanon’s sovereignty and its constitutions, affirming that the stance of Hezbollah regarding the issue of the demarcation of the country’s borders with Israel resumes all other stances.


“Those who claim themselves representatives of the nation and are in power should recognize for once that they are subjected to a regional will , they should submit to the demands of the people and resign,” read a statement issued by the Kataeb Political Bureau following its weekly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Saifi.


The Kataeb party reiterated its call for the need to work on the demarcation of the Lebanese-Syrian border, stressing the importance of deploying the Lebanese army and suspend the manipulation of the country’s security and economy.


“We, as the Kataeb party refuse to relinquish any piece of our maritime border. We call for signing a decree to review the proposal concerning the demarcation of maritime borders so Lebanon can fortify its sovereignty under the supervision of the United Nations,” it said.


“The will to topple the municipal elections became clear after the Interior Minister announced his intention to suspend the elections for logistical reasons,” it added.


The Politburo warned against any attempt to violate the constitutional dates again under any pretext to escape accountability, stressing the importance of electing municipal councils on their constitutional dates so that they can stand by the Lebanese in this challenging situation.


“We thank the European Union for deploying an EU Election Observation Mission to observe the parliamentary elections scheduled on 15 May 2022,” it added.


The Kataeb party deemed the suspension of the investigation in the Beirut blast as a crime against humanity, saying that the family of the victims deserve the truth and should hold accountable every responsible of this deadly explosion.


“We believe that the biggest proof for Lebanese officials’ will to stay in their positions, obscure the judiciary and prevent accountability is their solidarity so as to bury the law that confirms the independence of the Lebanese judiciary ,” it concluded.