Hakim Calls for Solution to Long-Standing Electricity Problem

Former Economy Minister Alain Hakim on Thursday stressed the need to address Lebanon's chronic electricity problem, saying that what is needed is the right mechanism and the political will to implement the solution that has become clear to everyone.


“Officials are not prioritizing the citizens' affairs and the public welfare; that's exactly the problem given that the citizens are the ones paying the price,” Hakim said in an interview with IMLebanon wesbite.


“The World Bank will not provide anything to Lebanon unless the required reforms are being carried out. When we deal with public affairs, we must first seek the public interest; it is unacceptable that the electricity problem is still unsolved in the year 2022,” he noted.


Hakim said that Lebanon is facing a complete failure in addressing the electricity problem, and whoever fails to do so cannot provide solutions.


“Lebanese people have lost confidence in the willingness and the ability of officials to provide solutions,” he added.


Hakim also condemned the 2022 budget draft , saying that the budget, as it was presented, was nothing more than a digital thesis lacking of any rescue plan that could save the country from its unending crises.