Aoun-Mikati Talks Fail to Break Cabinet Impasse

 Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati Thursday held a new round of talks with President Michel Aoun on the formation of a new government that ended on a negative note, a clear indication that differences persisted over proposed candidates for key ministries.

Mikati did not speak or answer reporters’ questions after his 40-minute meeting with Aoun at Baabda Palace.

“God willing, hope for the best,” Mikati said in a terse remark, clearly reflecting the lack of progress in his 13th meeting with the president since he was designated on July 26 to form a new government. Asked whether he was angry with the outcome of his talks with Aoun, he said: “No, I am not.”

A seemingly upset Mikati did not say when he would meet Aoun again.

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