Kataeb Party Deems Complete Independent Government as Only Solution

The Kataeb party on Tuesday stressed that reassigning the ruling authority itself to form a new government with the same old performance and approach will only drag Lebanon to more quarrels, deeming the formation of an independent government as key to the country’s problems.

“The result of the parliamentary consultations that were held yesterday prove that only Hezbollah is the one making the decisions in the Parliament while others’ opinions do not matter, ”read a statement issued by the Kataeb Political Bureau following its weekly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Saifi.

“The solution is to form a complete independent government that would gain people’s trust,” the statement said.

“All the attempts aimed at changing this system from the inside are doomed to failure with Hezbollah controlling the institutions,” it added.

The political bureau blamed the system for its failure in holding proper investigations into the Beirut port explosion, deeming its attempts to prevent immunity lifting of officials involved in the explosion as described rudeness before the victims’ families.

The party called on all friends and comrades to participate in the largest protest that will be held on August 4th at the party’s headquarters in Saifi so that this crime will never be forgotten and people behind the blast be punished.