Gemayel: As Long as Hezbollah Controls Lebanon, We Will remain Isolated from Our Surroundings

Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel on Wednesday reiterated that as long as Hezbollah is controlling Lebanon the Lebanese will remain isolated from their surroundings, stressing that people will hold all responsible accountable through the ballot boxes in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

“I do believe that following the October 17 revolution and the Beirut explosion, the criteria will change in the next parliamentary elections and I am convinced that people will hold this authority accountable,” Gemayel said in an interview with Al-Majalla newspaper.

“I do understand that the Judiciary is politicized and we cannot hold anyone accountable within the Judiciary, but people will make the change in the ballot box,” he added.

Gemayel blamed the system’s parties for the situation the Lebanese are currently experiencing, saying that there are the change and the sovereign forces that are trying to organize and unite themselves so as to confront these factions.

“Of course there are opposition parties like us, we used to exist in the past and there are new youth who aspire to build a new country and have new ideas,” he said.

“People will have the make the change and the biggest evidence was the October 17 revolution,” he noted.

“There is no revolution in the world that lasts for long. The revolution is a moment. In Egypt they were able to change because they had one dictator. But here in Lebanon we have six.”

“We are trying to isolate one of them so that another one remains. Six people are much more difficult to remove in a fragmented society like Lebanon. But people will take to the streets in case there will be any attempt to postpone the polls,” he affirmed.

The Kataeb leader accused Hezbollah of having an obsession with power as they are refusing the formation of a government of specialists, saying that they can see the country collapse before their eyes and still stand still.

Gemayel stressed that investigations must be carried out in the Beirut port explosion, saying that there are a lot of people involved in this file.

“I am convinced that the port of Beirut is not controlled. There is smuggling, militias, illegal crossings, and there is also an illegal exit from the port. There is an information that says that the quantity that exploded at the port is much less than the quantity recorded, that means that there is a quantity that has been taken out by someone,” he said.

“Following the blast, we have submitted our resignation because we had a belief that the current authority is unable to change. We didn’t get closer to people to gain popularity, because when we took the decision of resigning from the government we paid the price of our popularity, and it wasn’t either a popular choice when we stood against the presidential settlement and when we decided to confront the system,” he said.

“The Lebanese will keep suffering until we will have a respectful State,” he added.

Gemayel said that he doesn’t know who was behind the attack of the party’s office in Tripoli, deeming such act as absurd.

“There is mutual trust and mutual relations between the kataeb and the people of Tripoli, and we feel comfortable being in Tripoli and doing our business there. Whoever thinks of igniting this strife is very absurd and does not know anything about our presence there because what he did has only increased our determination and conviction,” he said.

“We believe that the Kataeb project today is a project for all the Lebanese and we want to work on all the Lebanese regions that have the same thought, regardless of the sect.”

Gemayel stressed that the first step today is for this force of change to enter the Parliament, saying that what is required is to strengthen the sovereign atmosphere and change in the country.

“When we do that, then many options will be available for us. Whether the issue of the Presidency or the formation of the government,” he concluded.