
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Thursday 8 April 2021 23:56:49
Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel on Thursday slammed the Lebanese Parliament for its failure in handling the country’s main issues, deeming it as a sterile Parliament.
“All the political forces within the Parliament today are unable to make any reforms,” Gemayel said in an interview with MTV, blaming officials for their negligence in properly addressing people’s problems.
“The old Lebanon that is now present in the government is dead,” he added.
“We have been in the opposition for 5 years; we have taken to the streets when no one stood beside us,” he noted.
“I have a case to defend and a goal to achieve so as to have a better future,” he affirmed.
Gemayel stressed that Lebanon is in need of a structural change, saying that the challenge today remains to hold parliamentary elections.
“Those who are helping you today amid the crisis the country is facing are the same ones who will ask you to vote for them in the upcoming polls,” Gemayel said addressing the Lebanese people.
“I am keen that change will take place and the Lebanese people will not elect the same lawmakers they have elected last time,” he pointed out.
“The confrontation with the system is not easy and the change will not happen overnight but eventually it will,” he noted, called the Lebanese to withstand for another year until the elections are held.
“We have been facing this corrupted authority for 7 years now, we have resigned from the Parliament, we have taken to the streets and we have done all it takes to build a better country,” he said.
The Kataeb leader reiterated need for a government of specialists, deeming it as key to solve the country’s problems.
“The government has to be completely independent, it has to start by implementing the needed reforms, to negotiate with the International Monterey Fund and to hold parliamentary elections,” he affirmed.
“The current political system, the corrupted authority, those who are forcibly imposing their weapons in the country and those who have disrupted the presidential elections for two years and a half are the ones to blame for the delay in forming a new government,” he stressed.
“No country can be built with the presence of arms,” he added.
Gemayel stressed the need to give the Lebanese people a chance for self-determination and to restore their decision, saying that only them have the right to decide their own fate.
The Kataeb leader deemed forensic audit as mandatory, stressing that it should affect all departments.
“If there was an intention to have a forensic audit, it would have happened. It is not true that it solves the economic problem but rather reveals the corrupted people,” he said.
“There is a comprehensive haircut on all people because of the 'bad people' currently present in the ruling,” he said, affirming that the responsibility today lies on the Central Bank governor Riad Salameh, the President and the government.
“The rescue steps are very well known but the authority does not want to implement any of them,” he stressed.
“They have smuggled their money abroad and took it back before the elections to pay bribes to people.”
The Kataeb leader called for an international investigation into the Beirut port explosion, saying he has no trust in the Lebanese Judiciary.
“My belief is that Beirut will rise again. I will work day and night to restore the country’s beauty,” he said.