Energy Ministry Says Lebanon to Face Total Darkness in the Near Future

Caretaker Water and Energy Minister Raymond Ghajar on Thursday announced that neither electricity nor generators will be provided in Lebanon in the near future, affirming that the situation will be very hard to overcome.

“We have tackled with President Michel Aoun the efforts we are exerting in order to prevent the country from reaching a total darkness but we have run out of all options,” Ghajar said following his meeting with Aoun in Baabda Palace.

“We need a financial contribution. Representatives at the "Strong Lebanon" have presented a law so as to give a financial advance to buy fuel to supply citizens with electricity,” he added.

Ghajar blamed the Parliament for the situation the Lebanese are facing today regarding the electricity, saying that the solution lies in their hands.

"A source must be found to buy the fuel. Today we are using the 2020 savings and we need money for the new budget, “he added.

Ghajar stressed that generators work for about 7 hours a day but in the absence of electricity they cannot operate continuously, saying that the supply of electricity needs a company to secure it.

“In the near future, we won’t be able to provide electricity either through the Electricité du Liban or through the generators,” he pointed out.