Gemayel Calls on People to Be Prepared to Face Any Unjust Decision the Authority Intends to Take

Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel called on the Lebanese people to be prepared to face any unjust decisions the authority intends to take soon, reiterating need to produce a new Parliament and a new political class that would restore people’s confidence and the International community.

“It is time to build a new Lebanon with new faces and new people. People that will never compromise on our lives and the lives of our children,” Gemayel said in a speech he delivered on his social media platforms.

“The country is heading towards a total collapse whether the subsidies on basic supplies were lifted or the strategic reserves at the Central Bank were used,” he noted.

“The first option is a new chapter of corruption and the second is considered as a hit to the country’s capacities to rise again,” he added.

Gemayel called on all the Lebanese youth who have participated in the October 17 revolution to prevent the implementation of this decision, deeming it as a fateful decision to all the Lebanese people.

“They have started talking about running out of reserves at the Central bank since last week and the tendency to use strategic reserves of gold, the mandatory reserves and the State properties, that means everything that could allow the country to rise again,” he said.

“They are practically forcing us two chose between two terrible options. Either by consuming all the State’s capabilities so we reach the bottom and lose all the country’s ability to rise again, or to stop the subsidies as we no longer have the capacity to support the basic commodities such as gasoline and others,” he added.

The Kataeb leader slammed the authority’s decision to issue social cards in case the subsidies on basic goods were lifted, deeming it as a major scandal.

“To whom these cards will be issued? Can we trust them that they will be distributing these cards in a correct, scientific and objective way?” he asked.

“Definitely not. This is a new way of corruption to control people’s lives,” he said.

"If we consider that the equivalent of a million cards have been distributed to the Lebanese who are below the poverty line in Lebanon, what will happen to the middle class, to the employees and professors who earn the minimum wage or a little more?” he asked.

“How will they be able to secure their needs if the price of gasoline, food and other has increased?”

“This practically means the impoverishment of the middle class,” he added.

Gemayel called on the current ruling authority to leave, saying that the sooner they leave the quicker the country will be rebuilt.