
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Thursday 13 February 2020 11:41:32
“Either there’s a state or not! We won’t permit the country to be ruined by sedition. The people and residents won’t live under the power of rampant illegal arms and scoundrels,” Hankache blasted on Twitter.
“I have pressed Metn’s security forces to prosecute the perpetrators and to take action for the prevention of such incidents’ recurrence,” he said, adding that he “will visit respective officials upon his return” from his trip.
Earlier on Wednesday, clashes erupted between a bus driver from the Zaiter family clan and residents in Sed el-Bauchrieh leading to 7 injuries, as reported by the National News Agency.
Residents gave an account that gunmen from the Zaiter family also opened fire on the area buildings resulting material damage, NNA stated.
Army forces cordoned off the area amid strict security measures.