Hankache: We Have Challenged, Voted Against and Will continue to Defy New Taxes

Kataeb MP Elias Hankache on Saturday launched a petition on the online platform, Change.org, calling for halting “any attempt to increase taxes on the Lebanese people during the Economic Dialogue.”

Following reports suggesting that Monday’s Economic Dialogue Table will propose new levies that would furthermore burden the people and Lebanese companies alike, Hankache made a cry to eradicate corruption in the state’s administration and unnecessary government expenses to reduce budget deficit to a minimum instead of imposing new taxes.

Hankache explained on Friday that the Kataeb party has challenged the imposed levies following the adoption of the Ranks and Salary Scale in 2017, has voted against the taxes upon passing the 2019 State Budget and will defy the proposition of new taxes if suggested in the 2020 State Budget.

“Where is the economic wisdom in imposing taxes on consumers every couple of years with an originally contracting economy?” Hankache questioned.

To sign the petition, click Here.