Hankache Criticizes Political Settlement Amid Critical Phase

Kataeb MP Elias Hankache on Tuesday blamed the political settlement for the critical phase that the country is undergoing.

“We’ve known that the presidential settlement will reach this stage from the beginning, because the common interests that brought them together are divided by other personal interests,” Hankache told Al-Joumhouria newspaper.

“The partitioning approach, sharing gains and instigation of sectarian and regional disparities that are witnessed today are shameful,” he noted.

“The country is collapsing and is going through the most critical and dangerous socio-economic phase while the authority is setting it in decline, dissolution and disintegration,” he added.

“Who is behind all that is going on and who benefits from this situation? Why are they pushing the country towards collapse?” Hankache questioned.

“Every faction is provoking the other by raising the bar and prompting his supporters for tensions,” he indicated.

“Unfortunately, we seem to be living in a cuckoo’s nest where there is no light at the end of the tunnel,” Hankache pointed out.