Kataeb Media Department Responding to "Al-Joumhouriya": There Are Those Who Lost their Position in the National Work and Started Spreading Cheap Rumors

Kataeb Media Department on Thursday issued the following statement:  

“Today, Al-Joumhouriya newspaper, owned by Murr family, decided, in the midst of the imminent presidential elections, to leave “its journalistic mission” to devote itself to its new campaign against the Lebanese Kataeb Party and its leader in a bid to slander a party whose pillars are national positions,

Today, Editor-in-Chief Mr. Tarek Tarchichi, who is supposed to verify every information transmitted to him, wrote an article out of ignorance bearing a series of inaccuracies following someone else’s dictates,

First, there was no amendment in the party’s general regulations regarding the tenure of the presidency during the term of lawmaker Samy Gemayel, this is misleading and a distortion of facts,

Second, the Kataeb Party, has enjoyed the largest space of internal participation, as it has established the principle of rotation and the logic of elections in seminars since Lawmaker Samy Gemayel assumed its presidency. These are units that are not limited to the Kataeb members, but also include friends who would not have joined the party if they saw that the Kataeb is a backed party. As for the rest of the units, it is subject to the principle of appointment, as in most of world's parties,

After the party slanders were exhausted, the article moved to political delirium, quoting unbelievable words about Lawmaker Mouawad who was “seen” visiting Gemayel before the president election session at the Kataeb headquarters in Saifi, then entering the parliament together. As for instructing Lawmaker Selim Sayegh to travel, We believe that it is a journalist's malice given the outcome of the session, which was known in advance,

These are simple examples that show the amout of misinformation tucked in this article, which was written by those who lost their position and presence in the national work, so they started to spread cheap rumors. They became unworthy to sit at the decision table so they started looking under it."