Lebanon’s Health Minister Advises Authorities To Maintain Pandemic Measures

The minister of Public Health, Dr. Firass Abiad, presented the coronavirus situation in Lebanon during a press conference on Wednesday.

According to him, the vaccination situation does not call for a lockdown, yet it won’t help that the authorities reduce or lift the measures required to lessen covid-19 cases like other countries are doing.

He said that the vaccination numbers should be higher and reminded that elderly people or people who have permanent sickness can take the vaccine instantly in any vaccination center after getting the necessary registration from the center’s staff.

“This point is very important since most of the hospitalized cases are the ones who are not yet vaccinated,” the health minister stressed.

He noted that people vaccinated outside the country can also register to take the vaccine in Lebanon.

Regarding schools, Dr. Abiad stressed that all the measures are taken into consideration when the ministry is informed of anyone from a specific school has Covid-19, to the point some schools are stopping class attendance.

He assured that Turkey will send aid in the upcoming days to help the health sector in Lebanon by providing necessary medications and opening a new hospital.