Hakim Deems Comprehensive Political Confrontation Only Solution To Illegal Weapons

Kataeb Political Bureau Member Alain Hakim believed Kahale’s incident indicates the complete absence of the state, saying that it is a direct threat to the the security, lives, stability, and international relations of the citizens.

“I consider what happened to be a direct threat to the security, lives, stability, and international relations of the citizens through the transfer of military materials and ammunition that could potentially be explosive in safe areas in Lebanon,” Hakim said in an interview with Voice of Lebanon radio station.

"If a similar incident to Beirut blast happened yesterday in Kahale, where would things have gone? The presence of armed individuals accompanying the shipment of weapons is suspicious,” he noted.

"What happened is unacceptable and the safety of the citizens must be taken into consideration," he asserted.

Hakim pointed out that the only solution to illegal weapons is a comprehensive political confrontation.