Gemayel: We Can Only Free Lebanon by Uniting Our Efforts, Not by Embracing Sectarianism

Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel emphasized that there were no new developments in French Envoy Jean-Yves le Drian's efforts.

“Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has shifted the focus to initiating dialogue, but the real issue is whether Hezbollah will meet the Lebanese halfway,” Gemayel said in an interview with Télé Liban

“Berri has shifted the matter to dialogue or consultation. Our concern is not about the nature of the dialogue or consultation, but rather whether there is a willingness to consider a third candidate. Are they committed to Frangieh, or not?” he asked.

“Hezbollah is still not ready. We’ve communicated to Le Drian our prerequisites: participation in consultations must unequivocally lead to an election session, ensuring avoidance of entrapment and shared culpability,” Gemayel said.

“The other group neither acknowledges the quorum nor considers another candidate. Instead, it seeks to shift the responsibility onto us the other group neither acknowledges the quorum nor considers another candidate. Instead, it seeks to shift the responsibility onto us,” he stressed.

Kataeb Leader stated that Hezbollah refuses to elect a president, and Berri lacks the power to decide.

"We reject Sleiman Frangieh because he is part of the axis of resistance  (Moumanaa), and it is in the Christians' interest only within a free, sovereign, and independent state to elect a president for all of Lebanon. The issue is not about being Muslim or Christian," he stated.

"We seek a president who will put the state on the path to development, sovereignty, and solving problems, not a president who perpetuates Lebanon's stay in the hole," he added.

Gemayel affirmed, "Our nomination of Jihad Azour is serious, and we are still ready to discuss other names."

He remarked that with its war-driven agenda, Hezbollah stalls on resolving the presidential deadlock, leaving Lebanon at its mercy.

“Everyone must realize that breaking free from Hezbollah's grip requires confrontation. This necessitates unity across all fronts and a firm stance against sectarian divides. What we need is a gathering of all forces to reclaim our country's sovereignty,” Gemayel pointed out.

“We insist on upholding the constitution's umbrella, where no one should operate beyond its bounds or hijack others' decisions,” he indicated.

Gemayel asserted that equality must prevail, saying that it is unacceptable for some to enjoy privileges while others suffer.

“We cannot proceed with a logic that differentiates between first-class and second-class citizens, or between first-degree and second-degree martyrs. We are in a state of continuous resistance, refusing to succumb to such discriminatory notions,” he affirmed.

Gemayel stated that Lebanon pays the price for the war of distractions, indicating that those who perish are not mere possessions of Hezbollah but rather countrymen.

“We must tell Hezbollah we refuse to live with its divisive tactics. Our goal is to provide a national alternative, preventing sectarian conflict,” he emphasized.

“What happened to Lokman Slim, the anti-Hezbollah activist? What About the opposition candidates who opposed Hezbollah’s policies?” Gemayel asked.

“We support the peace process in the region, with Lebanon being a part of it. We believe in the two-state solution, despite rejection from both Hamas and Netanyahu. We seek leaders who uphold the principles of peace,” he said.

Gemayel highlighted that it is Lebanon's prerogative to decide on the stay or departure of Syrians.

“What prevents a government led by Hezbollah from deporting Syrians overland?” he asked.

“What prevents the Lebanese government from limiting UNHCR's activities and closing its office if it continues to provide funds to Syrians? We want the international community to stand by us, not harm us by funding the refugees,” he noted.

“Since 2012, the Kataeb Political Bureau has consistently advocated for limits on Syrian entry. We have never accepted forced displacement, and our stance is well-documented,” Gemayel asserted.

Gemayel pointed out that Prime Minister Najib Mikati and his government bear responsibility for the Syrian presence file, yet no governmental decision has been made.

“Mikati may be convinced of what we believe but feels powerless,” he said.

“Is Mikati comfortable with the ongoing war and his government's inability to take a stance?” he wondered.

“However, he has accepted being in this position,” he said.

“As long as the borders are not controlled, the displaced leaving will likely return. Therefore, any financial aid to Syrians must be halted. The government is capable of making such decisions but refrains from doing so,” he pointed out.

"The course of humanity is heading towards peace, not the logic of wars, killing, fundamentalism, and dictatorships, but rather the logic of openness, democracy, and peace. Hezbollah is moving against history," he went on to say.

“Our hope for Lebanon endures as long as we continue to fight and resist. We won't surrender our country and homes. We, alongside all honorable Lebanese, will preserve our nation,” Gemayel concluded.