Gemayel: Security Situation in Lebanon Is Out of Control Due to Spread of Illegal Weapons

Kataeb Leader Samy Gemayel commented on the shooting incident targeting the US Embassy in Beirut, affirming that the Lebanese Army has undertaken all necessary measures, expressing gratitude for its efforts.

"The security situation in Lebanon is out of control due to the spread of illegal weapons, and because of Hezbollah and its allies who have established the law of the jungle," Gemayel said in an interview with "Al-Hurra" television.

"Anyone who opposes Hezbollah's policies is threatened in Lebanon, and it wouldn't surprise me if this incident served as a 'message'. We have been living under this threat daily for years, and anyone who says no to Hezbollah receives threatening messages by all means, whether through assassination or defamation," he added.

Gemayel highlighted the dire situation Lebanon is facing, saying: "Every day, we urge the international community to understand the reality of the kidnapping Lebanon is exposed to by Hezbollah on behalf of Iran."

The Kataeb Leader affirmed that Hezbollah controls the borders, including illegal crossings and even the legitimate crossing between Lebanon and Syria.

 "The borders are controlled by Hezbollah. It controls the illegal crossings and even the legal crossing between Lebanon and Syria. This is how rockets enter, and fighters go to Syria and Iraq. This is also how Iran supplies Hezbollah with logistical support through these borders, all under its patronage, while the Lebanese state is unable to do anything since Hezbollah holds the political decision-making power in Lebanon and prevents the state from controlling its borders," he indicated.

Regarding the shooting that targeted the US Embassy in Beirut : "We haven't heard in a long time of operations carried out by 'ISIS' in Lebanon. It is surprising today that 'ISIS' attacks the American Embassy while we are witnessing serious threats from Israel against Hezbollah."

 "I do not want to jump to conclusions; it might be an individual act by 'ISIS.' But we know that Hezbollah uses opportunists, and this has happened on several occasions in Lebanon's history. It was Hezbollah that placed a red line preventing the Lebanese army from entering the Nahr al-Bared camp when Islamic extremists were attacking Lebanese people. Similarly, Hezbollah expelled 'ISIS' from Lebanon when the Lebanese army had them besieged in the Bekaa and was about to arrest all 'ISIS' cells after fierce battles by the army. Hezbollah struck a deal with 'ISIS' and expelled them from Lebanon," he explained.

"Hezbollah tried to cover up the assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri by framing the so-called 'Abou Adass,' who was killed before Hariri was assassinated. Hezbollah uses such individuals from time to time, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were used today to attack the American Embassy, but this remains a 'scenario'," he added.

About the possible connection between the expected visit of the Army Commander to Washington and the shooting that targeted the US Embassy in Beirut, Gemayel said: "It could be a message in that direction. But it is certain that the conflict today is whether Lebanon remains a hostage to Hezbollah and Iran, which is using Lebanese territory and people to wage war instead of using their own youth and forces."

"They are sacrificing Lebanese and Palestinians to expand their influence in the region and establish themselves as a key player, or the state will regain its authority and sovereignty over Lebanese territory, including restoring the Lebanese people’s right to self-determination through its legitimate institutions, the Parliament, the government, and the presidency," he emphasized.

Gemayel concluded by emphasizing that Lebanon today needs a president who seeks the country's interests rather than executing Iran's agendas.

"The current conflict is between two Lebanons: Lebanon subservient to Iran or Lebanon sovereign and independent, symbolized by the Lebanese Army," he pointed out.