Gemayel Meets MP Abou Faour, Underlines Keenness to Hold Presidential Elections

Kataeb Leader Samy Gemayel revealed that communications would intensify even more, saying that his party will try to make a breakthrough in the presidential file.

"We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the late former minister Sejaan Azzi. Despite all our differences, Azzi remains a great national and intellectual figure for us and will be missed by the country and the Lebanese press,” Gemayel said after meeting with Democratic Gathering bloc member MP Wael Abou Faour.

"I hope that all of Azzi's intellectual works will be appreciated, and that the Lebanese Thought will benefit from all his intellectual and literary contributions,” he added.

In another context, Gemayel stated: “I met with MP Wael Abou Faour to follow up on the opposition's meetings, and this matter will intensify while waiting for solutions because time is being wasted without addressing the financial problems.”

"When time passes without addressing the economic and financial problems, the possibility for depositors to regain their rights decreases as Central Bank’s remaining is being spent. Every day costs us between 80 and 100 million dollars to maintain the exchange rate, and this money belongs to the depositors,” he explained.

 “We are keen to elect a president as soon as possible, but we refuse to surrender. There is a difference between keenness to elect and surrender to the current situation and the logic of obstructionism. This is what we do not accept,” he stressed.

“We have an important entitlement, which is the appointment of the governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon in about two months. We refuse to do this without abiding by constitutional principles amid presidential vacuum. We also refuse the government's exercise of powers as it is a resigned government, and it is not permissible for it to make any fundamental decisions for the future,” he went on saying.

“The upcoming president must open a new page in Lebanon's history, hold a dialogue with the Lebanese people and create solutions to Lebanon's structural problems. He must be open-minded and have the will to solve these political, security, sovereignty, and economic problems,” he emphasized.

In response to a question about some people's confirmation of Sleiman Frangieh's election, Gemayel said: “Whoever elected a president in 2016 considers that he is lucky and is convinced that he will be able to repeat the same scenario. However, the Lebanese have learned from past experiences, and no one is ready to repeat the same mistake for which the Lebanese people paid the price.”