
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Sunday 21 January 2024 11:38:20
With unwavering determination to defend Lebanon's sovereignty and independence, the Kataeb Party faces resolutely all the pressures it encounters from various Lebanese factions attempting, through various means, to impose their will on the Lebanese people.
Despite the sacrifices made over the past years, including the lives of martyrs on the altar of the nation, facing campaigns of defamation, dominance, and control, the Kataeb Party clings to its national and sovereign positions.
This steadfastness is evident in its refusal to compromise, no matter the intensity of the campaigns against it, especially the continuous threats against Kataeb Leader Samy Gemayel, launched by Hezbollah’s supporters on social media.
This puts his life at significant risk amidst ongoing defamation campaigns targeting all sovereign leaders who reject putting Lebanon under control, which has triggered strong and vehement reactions against what Gemayel faces from Hezbollah-affiliated groups.
Kataeb Leader Samy Gemayel confirmed that the threats he receives are public, traceable, and their source can be identified.
"We are accustomed to such matters and deal with a cancellation team that uses violence as a means in politics to eliminate others," Gemayel said in an interview with Kuwaiti newspaper “Al-Seyassah”
He emphasized that Hezbollah resorts to threatening sovereign figures because its argument is weak, and when a person's argument is weak, they resort to the logic of cancellation, which is the weapon of the weak.
Gemayel pointed out that the possibility of the return of assassinations is present, recalling that the assassination of Lokman Slim over two years ago, noting that assassinations have not stopped.
He indicated that Hezbollah is obstructing the presidential process because it couldn't impose its presidential candidate, saying that it will continue to obstruct as long as there is opposition from the parliament to its candidate, just as it did with Michel Aoun.
The Kataeb Leader argued that the presidential process remains obstructed until the Lebanese are subjected to Hezbollah’s will, hoping that no one will succumb to this will.
"The opposition is cohesive on this matter, with no intention to back down. No one succumbs to the logic of imposition practiced by Hezbollah," Gemayel pointed out.
Responding to a question, Gemayel said, "We reject the election of Sleiman Frangieh because he does not represent our political line and is an ally of Hezbollah. His election would mean that the latter would impose control over the presidency, turning the state and the presidency into a front to defend its weapons and performance.”
“ Therefore, we do not want Lebanon to be a shield for Hezbollah to use in fortifying itself at the expense of the state, law, and constitution."
Gemayel considered the possibility of Hezbollah dragging Lebanon into an open war with Israel possible, but at present, this intention does not exist within the party due to other considerations.
Hezbollah does not want to jeopardize his military, social, and political system's position that he has built in Lebanon for the sake of Gaza.
Gemayel also stressed that there is an attempt by Iran to isolate Lebanon from its Arab surroundings to allow Tehran to control it more through Hezbollah.
He emphasized the historical relations Lebanon has with all Arab countries and the friendships that have lasted for decades, asserting that Lebanon should not abandon them. As long as Lebanon was in the past, it was the refuge and meeting place for all Arab peoples to express their opinions and engage in dialogue, so Lebanon should not sacrifice this tormented country that today needs its friends and their support.
" Lebanon is where they express their opinions and engage in dialogue. Therefore, he believes no one should sacrifice this tormented homeland that needs its friends and support,” he affirmed.
"We had previously warned against a deal at the expense of Lebanon, expressing concern that during the dialogue between Hezbollah and Israel, an agreement might be reached at the expense of Lebanese sovereignty,” he emphasized.
"Hezbollah could take Lebanon as a prize for its withdrawal from the south, securing Israel's safety. This is what we fear and caution the entire world about because, if it happens, Lebanon, which has always been a beacon for the Arab world, would be sacrificed," Gemayel concluded.