Gantz Calls on Lebanese Government to Put Pressure on Hezbollah

The Lebanese front has returned to the forefront with the escalation in the confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah in recent days. While Tel Aviv continues its attempts to extinguish the fires in the north, news about an imminent Israeli strike on Lebanon is spreading.

Member of the Israeli War Cabinet, Benny Gantz, addressed the northern mayors today by saying: “Prepare for tougher days ahead."

Gantz added that “The Lebanese government does not want a wide-scale war with Israel, but it needs to put pressure on Hezbollah.”

Gantz stated that the Israeli army would move to push Hezbollah out of the borders with Lebanon if its attacks continue.

He reiterated that the Israeli army will intervene if the world and the Lebanese government do not prevent Hezbollah and the militants from firing at northern Israel.

"Because the time to reach a diplomatic solution is running out," he stressed.

During a tour of the northern border region with Lebanon last Tuesday, Gantz stated that "by September, we will finish the mission here and be able to start a different reality."

"This matter will pass either through diplomacy or escalation.. but we cannot lose another year here," considering that "the biggest operational challenge today is in the northern theater and in northern Israel, and the biggest moral challenge is in the south in the Gaza Strip," he pointed out.

Gantz added: “Therefore, alongside the fighting, the right thing at this time is to retrieve the abductees and work to return the northern residents to their homes safely and get Israel back on the right track,” stressing that “it will not be easy.”

Gantz concluded his remarks by saying: "I would like to tell the leaders in the north that I trust you; your residents are strong, you are strong, and you will remain here and will return the residents when you receive support from the state, and we will do everything to support you."