Michelle Williams Calls on Congress to Pass Law on Gender Pay Gap

American actress Michelle Williams appealed to the U.S. Congress to vote on a law that would end the gender pay gap.

The House of Representatives approved the Paycheck Fairness Act last week. The bill is yet to be endorsed by the Senate.

The 38-year-old Hollywood actress recounted her personal experience with the pay gap problem, after she had learned that she was paid $1,000 in 2017 to reshoot scenes for the film “All the Money in the World" while her co-star, Mark Wahlberg, earned $1.5 million for the "exact same amount of work.”

Following the uproar that this issue had caused, Wahlberg donated his earnings to a charity that focuses on inequality and injustice in the workplace.

“If it was like this for me, a white woman in a glamorized industry, how were my sisters suffering across their profession?” Williams asked.

“The ball’s now in the Senate court. This is the next critical moment, please don’t let it pass by,” Williams explained as the vote is in the hands of the US Senate now.