Boulos: Old Guard Must Be Excluded from New Government to Regain Global Trust

U.S. President Donald Trump’s senior advisor on Arab and Middle Eastern Affairs, Massad Boulos, said that Washington is closely monitoring the political developments in Lebanon, stressing that it is looking forward to comprehensive changes in the country. 

In an interview with Al Jadeed TV, the U.S. advisor emphasized the need for meaningful reforms in the composition of the new government.

“Just as changes have occurred in the presidency and the premiership, we hope this will be reflected in the new cabinet formation to ensure the necessary reforms,” he stated.

Boulos warned against reappointing figures linked to the previous political system, arguing that their exclusion is essential for Lebanon’s recovery.

“Those who were part of the previous system should not be reappointed, in order to continue the path of recovery and restore the confidence of the international community,” he added.