US Invites Israel and Arab Nations to NATO Summit

The US has extended invitations to the foreign ministers of Israel and several Arab nations for the NATO's 75th-anniversary summit in Washington next month, The Financial Times reported. 

Typically, NATO invites some of its partners to its annual meetings. As the host of this milestone summit, the US has invited foreign ministers from up to 31 countries with partnerships with NATO, including Japan, Australia, and South Korea, aiming to mitigate potential tensions over Israel's inclusion.

Arab invitees include Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, the UAE, and Bahrain.

The foreign ministers of partner countries will not participate in official Nato meetings and will attend events on the summit sidelines, such as the 75th anniversary dinner.

“Secretary-general Stoltenberg has invited heads of state and government of all 32 allies, plus the leaders of our Indo-Pacific partners (Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea),” a Nato official said in a statement.

“Meetings at ministerial level with representatives from other Nato partners are being organised by the US authorities,” the official added.