Retired Soldiers Vow to Block Budget Approval, Demand Action on Salaries and Pensions

As the ongoing struggle of Lebanon's retired servicemen reaches a critical juncture, a significant demonstration is set to take place in front of the Grand Serail, aiming to press the government into addressing their longstanding demands.

This is not the first time retired soldiers have taken to the streets to demand their rights, and it certainly won’t be the last. Their movement reflects deep frustration with a government that has, according to the protesters, consistently ignored their sacrifices and ongoing struggles. 

The focus of tomorrow's demonstration is to prevent the ratification of the proposed budget bill, as it currently lacks provisions for correcting military salaries and pensions. The protesters argue that without a specific agenda item or budget allocation addressing their needs, the government's commitment to reform remains dubious.

The movement of retired military personnel issued a statement outlining their grievances and demands, criticizing the caretaker government for not including any discussion on salary and wage corrections in the upcoming Cabinet meeting or the 2025 draft budget. The protesters insist that the government’s failure to address these issues reflects a broader pattern of procrastination and discrimination.

Retired Brigadier General Andre Abu Maashar, a prominent figure in the movement, has been vocal about the dire situation faced by retirees.  Speaking to the Central News Agency, Abu Maashar highlighted that the movement’s goal is both clear and decisive: ministers should refrain from taking part in Cabinet sessions until the government commits to addressing their demands.

Abu Maashar emphasized that there is no issue more pressing than increasing salaries and wages, noting that the military and retirees are in extreme poverty, and the government’s failure to act is perceived as a grave injustice.

He also underscored the movement’s determination, stating that those who have dedicated their lives to serving Lebanon will not shy away from confronting the corrupt and unjust practices that undermine their rights. 

The movement's demands are the following: 

- Halting all grants and benefits for various sectors and reviewing the actual value of salaries and their equivalent in US dollars before 2019.
- Implementing a unified and fair increase in salaries and pensions to restore their value to pre-2019 levels.
- Ensuring that any increase is sufficient to provide a decent standard of living.
- Raising budget allocations for salaries, wages, and pensions to meet these demands.
- Enhancing social, medical, and fuel assistance allocations, as well as increasing school assistance and family allowances.
- Implementing a retroactive hike to pension compensation based on a fair US dollar exchange rate.