Ongoing Procrastination in Responding to the Public Sector’s Crisis

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Monday chaired a meeting of the ministerial committee at the Grand Serail with talks featuring high on the repercussions of the financial crisis on the activity of public facilities. 

Many proposals and recommendations were provided during the meeting, yet the Minister of Finance demanded to keep it on hold to further study the cost and financial impact thereof. For this reason, it has been agreed that another meeting will take place next Wednesday at noon at the Grand Serail to take a final stand.

Public sector workers will receive a salary and social assistance whose value equals that of the salary, a transportation fee valued at 95,000 LBP, and a daily wage ranging between 150,000 LBP and 300,000 LBP in return for a minimum of 3 days of attendance a week, according to MTV.

“We seek a source of funding for increasing civil servants’ salaries. The meeting is scheduled to resume next Wednesday in a bid to find the funding source, else we would be promising the public sector with non-existent numbers and funds,” Minister of Social Affairs Hector Hajjar said to Al-Jadeed. 

The meeting was held in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Saadeh Al Shami, Minister of Finance Youssef Khalil, Presidency Director-General Antoine Choucair, Cabinet Secretary General Judge Mahmoud Makkieh, and Acting Director General of Finance George Maarrawi.