New Test Made with AI Could Help Doctors Diagnose Heart Attacks Faster - Study

A new test developed with artificial intelligence could help doctors diagnose heart attacks faster and more accurately, according to a new study.

Researchers who developed the computer algorithm hope it could reduce unnecessary admissions to busy A&E units - and also stop the clinical bias that currently results in some women missing out on life-saving treatment.

A trial on 10,286 people with chest pain found that the diagnostic tool, called CoDE-ACS, was able to rule out a heart attack in twice as many patients as current testing methods, with an accuracy of 99.6%.

Clinical trials are now under way in Scotland, with support from Wellcome Leap, to assess whether the tool reduces pressure on overcrowded emergency departments.

Professor Nicholas Mills, professor of cardiology at the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Edinburgh, who led the research, said: "For patients with acute chest pain due to a heart attack, early diagnosis and treatment saves lives.