Source: Equnews
Friday 15 May 2020 08:02:39
Italy is one of the countries that is suffering the most in this COVID-19 period but the Italians are starting to pick up their 'normal life' again. Because of that, the University of Turin made a study, calculating the riks of contamination doing different sports. The results where published in "Lo Sport riparte in sicurezza";
The several Olympic sports got a 'risk-indicator' behind their name between 0 (almost non-existing risk) to 4 (very high risk). The variables that were considered in this study were the training conditions, competitions and the presence of audience during this competitions.
Equestrian sport got in the 0-risk level as well as tennis, golf and swimming in open water. However, of horseback riding is done in a group, while playing polo for example, the risk of contamination increases. Horse racing can have risk factor 1 (=very low risk) as well in certain situations. Almost all individual sports can be place in risk area 0 or 1.
Teamsports are the sports with the highest risk, starting from categorie 2. Waterpolo is the safest sport, since this is played in chloor-water, which minimalises the risk of contamination. Soccer has risk lever 3, basketball, volleybal and handball or american football have a risk level of 4.