Switzerland to Get Rid of Emergency Coffee Stockpiles

Switzerland announced that it will get rid of its emergency stockpile of coffee, which was established between World War I and World War II, considering that the product is not essential for human survival.

The Swiss law, that will expire by the end of 2022, has so far compelled Nestle and other importers, roasters and retailers to store bags of raw coffee in their warehouses; the stockpiles now amount to about 15,300 tonnes.

“The Federal Office for National Economic Supply has concluded coffee...is not essential for life. Coffee has almost no calories and subsequently does not contribute, from the physiological perspective, to safeguarding nutrition,” the government stated.

International Coffee Organization figures revealed that Switzerland consumes nine kg (20 lb) of coffee per person annually, which is much more than Britain (3.3 kg) and the United States (4.5 kg).

The country also stockpiles sugar, rice, edible oils and animal feed.