Rahi Calls to Ensure the Expats Right to Vote

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Friday praised the newly formed government, saying that it is the hope for Lebanon.

“I exchanged views with President Michel Aoun on the economic and educational issues in the country and we have discussed the issue of the Iranian fuel,” Rahi said after his meeting with Aoun at Baabda palace.

“As long as we have a government with excellent people, there is no fear for Lebanon. We give full confidence to the government to carry out its work to preserve human dignity and rights in a sovereign state,” he stressed.


“The Parliament has to consider how the Lebanese expats can exercise their right to vote,” he said concerning the holding of the parliamentary elections in 2022.


“I tackled the undermining of the Lebanese sovereignty over the issue of the Iranian fuel tanks, and it is unacceptable that the Syrian army and Hezbollah take charge of the matter, ignoring the State’s decision,” he concluded.