Kataeb Party Warns against Hezbollah Exploit to Lebanese Sufferings

The Kataeb party on Tuesday slammed the Lebanese officials for their failure in forming a new government, deeming the resignation of the Parliament and its Speaker as well as the resignation of President Michel Aoun as the sole solution to save the country from its ongoing collapse.

“The key to overcome the current problems is by reproducing the whole power. Only the parliamentary elections and the ballot boxes are able to achieve the required change,”read a statement issued by the Kataeb political bureau following its weekly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Saifi.

“The Syndicate of Engineers has revolted on behalf of all the Lebanese people and has proved that change is possible, " the statement added.

The party accused Hezbollah of controlling Lebanon, saying that the country is being held as a hostage by this armed militia.

The party greeted the Lebanese on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, wishing them a Lebanese full of prosperity and salvation.