Le Figaro: U.S. Sanctions Choking off Hezbollah

U.S. sanctions have choked off Hezollah after Iran's financial support to the group was obstructed, Le Figaro newspaper reported earlier this week.

In an article entitled "Fall of Iranian aid puts Hezbollah on diet", the French newspaper revealed that Tehran has cut its transfers to Hezbollah by half, as the salaries of the party's members were significantly reduced.

The salaries paid to Hezbollah fighters returning from Syria (ranging between $600 and $1,200) have been reduced by 50 percent, the newspaper noted.

The report quoted a media worker as saying that the salaries were cut by two thirds, and that the party was forced to bring down compensations to the families of its slain militants.

“Six months ago, cash transfers from Iran to Beirut airport through Iranian airlines were estimated at $70-80 million per month, according to U.S. and French figures; but these payments have now dropped by around 50 percent,” a well-informed French diplomatic source was quoted as saying.