Source: ANSA

The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Thursday 29 September 2022 18:05:38
Over two years after closing its doors due to the damages inflicted by the devastating explosion of the port of Beirut (250 killed), the celebrated Hotel Phoenicia will reopen in the coming days, one of the symbols of the Lebanese capital before, during and after the civil war (1975-90), already heavily damaged in 1975 and in 2005, Lebanese media reported on Wednesday. Reports said the inauguration has been scheduled on October 8 to open one of the buildings of the five-star hotel overlooking the beautiful Saint George Bay.
The decision to open at the beginning of October was taken six months ago, said the board of the company of Lebanon's grand hotels (Sghl), which owns the Phoenicia. For now, a wing of the hotel will reopen, with its 193 rooms and suites, as well as banquet rooms and three restaurants. The other wings, which host 253 rooms, will open later, once renovation work which is still ongoing will be completed.
The hotel closed on August 5, 2020, following the explosion that killed 250 people, wounded more than 6,000, destroyed Beirut's port and damaged a third of the capital's buildings.
Until then, some 800 people were working at the Phoenicia; today the employees are 350, 70% of whom have seen their salaries cut during these years of financial crisis experienced by Lebanon since 2019.
Despite the country's failure and the disastrous economic situation, the direction of Phoenicia has assured that it already has reservations for the beginning of October, with an increase of clients with reservations in November and December.