Lebanese-Cypriot Maritime Border Begins

Lebanese-Cypriot meeting was held at Baabda Palace to discuss maritime border demarcation between the two countries.

“We discussed the outstanding points. After reaching an understanding on point 23 in the south, the Cypriot delegation requested to visit us. Several ministries are concerned with this file,” stated Deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab after the meeting.

“Cypriot delegation will meet to find solution to outstanding points,” he added.

Bou Saab stressed that cooperation with Cyprus was not the same as cooperation with an enemy country, and this would speed up work.

“Points that will remain unresolved are those related to northern border demarcation between Lebanon and Syria. We will not delineate the border between Lebanon and Cyprus unless after resolving this problem,” he explained.

For his part, the Cypriot Envoy stressed that there was no problem between Lebanon and Cyprus that would not be resolved.

“We will pursue the talks on the energy file, and we need to intensify investments in this field,” he emphasized.