Imran Khan Supporters Rejoice as Former Pakistan PM Returns Home After Arrest

Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan arrived at his Lahore home on Saturday after being released on bail following days of legal drama and nationwide riots over his arrest on corruption charges.

Mr Khan was swooped on by dozens of paramilitary troops and arrested during a routine court appearance on Tuesday, triggering violent clashes in several cities between his supporters and security forces.

Mobile data services and access to social media platforms including Facebook and YouTube, which were cut shortly after his arrest, were gradually being restored around the country from Friday night.

Mr Khan was arrested just hours after he was rebuked by the powerful military, whom he once again accused of being involved in an assassination attempt against him last year.

The arrest on court premises as he prepared to file a bail application was declared unlawful on Thursday by the Supreme Court. Mr Khan was in custody until Friday, when he was granted two weeks' bail in the corruption case by the Islamabad High Court.

The High Court also ordered that Mr Khan could not be arrested before Monday.

Mr Khan has become entangled in a slew of legal allegations, a frequent hazard for opposition figures in Pakistan, since he was removed from office in a confidence vote in April last year.

“The head of the country's largest party was abducted, kidnapped from the High Court, and in front of the entire nation,” Mr Khan told AFP from the court building.

“They treated me like a terrorist, this had to have a reaction,” he added, referring to the protests that followed his arrest.

Mr Khan eventually left the heavily guarded court late on Friday, hours after his hearings had ended and as protesters a few kilometres away clashed with police, who responded with tear gas. Shots were also fired towards officers, police said.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the former cricket superstar reached his Lahore residence, where videos posted by his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party showed more than 100 supporters celebrating his release and throwing rose petals over his car.

“They keep trying to silence Khan and keep trying to put him behind bars. But Khan has proven that the one who stands with the truth always wins,” supporter Waqar Ahsan, 21, said after Mr Khan was granted bail.

Zuneira Shah, 40, a mother of three, said that “the establishment would keep coming for him”.

“Khan is threatening their decades of corruption so of course they will not sit still. It's a long fight ahead, but today is a victory,” she said.

Several thousand of his supporters have rampaged through cities in protest against Mr Khan's detention, setting fire to buildings, blocking roads and clashing with police outside military installations.

At least nine people died in the unrest, police and hospitals said.

Hundreds of police officers were injured and more than 4,000 people detained, mostly in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces, according to authorities.

Faisal Hussain Chaudhry, a lawyer for Mr Khan, said on Friday that 10 senior PTI leaders had been arrested.

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah has vowed to re-arrest Mr Khan, who remains wildly popular ahead of elections due in October.

“There should not be any violation of a court order. But if there is a way to arrest Imran Khan [within the bounds of] the court order, then it will definitely be done,” Mr Sanaullah told private television channel Geo News on Friday.

Mr Khan has launched an unprecedented campaign of defiance against the military, which independent analysts say helped him rise and fall from power.

He has accused the shaky coalition government of supplanting him in cahoots with top generals, and made explosive claims that they were involved in an attempt on his life in November that saw him shot in the leg as he campaigned for snap polls.

Pakistani politicians have frequently been arrested and jailed since the country's founding in 1947.

But few have so directly challenged a military that holds influence over domestic politics and foreign policy and has staged at least three coups and ruled for more than three decades.