Hankach Says People Paying Price for Waste Management Failure

MP Elias Hankach on Monday said that residents living near waste landfills, especially in Jdeideh, are exposed to foul, pungent odors and nuisance flies that pop up every year due to hot weather.

"We are dealing with irresponsible officials who have taken turns on this issue. Even though Caretaker Environment Minister Nasser Yassin is paying heed to us and trying to find solutions, the problem has been lingering since 2016 when the Kataeb Party stood alone against the destructive landfill project in Jdeideh. The same political class besieged the Kataeb's movement and downplayed the issue back then,” Hankach told Voice of Lebanon radio station.

"We are paying the price for not solving the waste management problem with our health and environment. We are facing very difficult solutions because they require willpower and funds. We must revert to the basic plan, which involves sorting and treatment centers in the districts to reduce the load on landfills,” the lawmaker pointed out. “Landfills should be established in remote, non-residential areas to avoid causing environmental damage or posing a risk to groundwater."

Hankach reminded that, five years ago, a bill was introduced to enforce tax exemption for the residents of Jdeideh as well as other areas affected by landfills, saying that it was not even put on the government’s agenda for discussion.

"This shows the kind of authority we are dealing with," he concluded.