Hankach Deems Relationship Between Aoun and His Supporters as Emotional

Kataeb Lawmaker Elias Hankach commented on the scene that Lebanon is witnessing today in Baabda Palace, considering that it was a social and psychological situation which started 30 years ago.

“There is an emotional relationship between President Michel Aoun and his supporters, and this situation has existed since 1988. There are supporters who justify any error or any failure to achieve or set back promises made in the early days of his term,” Hankach said in an interview via LBCI.

He explained that the excuses given by Aoun’s team, such as “they did not let us” or “we do not have powers” or “the constitution does not allow” should not have surprised it, as it knew very well the powers given to the Presidency of the Republic.

“When there is a strong president in action, not in words, he implements what he promises, and he walks in this path at least,” he added.

In this context, Hankach stressed that the failure of President Aoun's era was the failure of Hezbollah's era. “Hezbollah was the one who disrupted Lebanon for two and a half years, and it was the one who threatened saying either Aoun or no one. Hezbollah was the one who brought Aoun to the presidency,” he affirmed.

“This is a proof that authority partnership fails, and no one wants to continue for an additional six years with such model of partnership in power,” he stated.

“Hezbollah and its allies do not have the ability to impose a president today. A strong president is not by representation, but rather by drawing up a plan or a vision and implementing it,” he continued.

Regarding th government file, Hankach pointed out that there was a new scene between Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Mikati. If the latter had accepted what Gebran Bassil asked, the government would have been fully qualified for them. Ministers shall conduct today their work for the benefit of the people because of their national responsibility.

Regarding the regional atmosphere and the border demarcation agreement, the Kataeb Lawmaker said that if Hezbollah had not agreed, it would not have been signed by Lebanon. 

“Lapid stressed that the agreement is a recognition of the State of Israel, and there is complete harmony between the parties that signed, for Israel has bought peace regardless of any formula, so there is a commitment from Lebanon,” he emphasized.

He also considered that the demarcation with Cyprus was a good thing saying: “Let us be a sovereign country that has borders protected by the Lebanese army, and its exclusiveness is only in the hands of the army.”

As for presidential vacuum, Hankach declared: “The current scene is unfortunate. Our political team has a clearly defined, but every session is blown away and it is terrifying to turn into a vacuum and turn into chaos.”

“Lawmakers must elect a president to save the country and secure the work of the institutions. We should give confidence to the international community in a bid to build institutions again, and to close the door to all interference," he concluded.