Conflicting Reports Emerge After Israeli Drone Targets Vehicle in Kahaleh

An Israeli drone reportedly targeted a vehicle in the town of Kahaleh on Thursday, sparking a flurry of conflicting reports regarding its nature and implications.

Initial accounts indicate that the drone strike targeted a vehicle at a bend in the town, injuring the car's driver. However, the details surrounding the incident remain murky as various media outlets suggested that the event in Kahaleh may not have been an Israeli airstrike. Instead, reports indicated that the loud sound heard was the result of a bomb detonating within the vehicle.

Subsequent reports detailed that the weapon used in the incident was identified as a Ninja bomb, known for lacking a traditional explosive warhead. This type of bomb is designed specifically for the purpose of neutralizing a target without causing widespread collateral damage.

Media reports identified the targeted individual as Hezbollah member Ali Hammoud. 

Kahaleh's mayor, Jean Bejjani, told MTV that what happened appears to be a direct aerial targeting, causing a direct injury to the driver, while his family remained unharmed.

Political analyst Bechara Khairallah, speaking to Voice of Lebanon from the scene, said that Hezbollah had established a perimeter around the site of the incident and withdrew the individual who was reportedly targeted.