
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Tuesday 19 July 2022 15:44:10
Record temperatures scorch Europe, as wildfires rage across the south.
Britain on Monday has breached 40C for the first time ever as temperatures continue to climb. This is now officially the extreme heatwave on record in the UK.
The heatwave that settled over southern Europe has edged northwards. Southern and western Germany and Belgium also braced for potentially record-breaking temperatures, with many scientists pointing the finger of blame at climate change.
Elsewhere around Europe, temperatures soared above 45°C in several places, intensifying wildfires around the Mediterranean.
Transport was disrupted by melting roads and warped railway lines in parts of the continent.
Australia meanwhile blamed climate change in its five-yearly report on the environment and particularly the bushfires of 2019-20 for an 8% increase in the number of species threatened with extinction.
“Current research says heatwaves will happen more frequently, last longer, and be more intense unless we curb global warming. If not, 40C in the UK could occur every few years in the future,” said Professor Hannah Cloke, a natural hazards researcher at the University of Reading, about the current situation.
While the blistering heat is just uncomfortable for most, for some it can be serious. Sadly, there will be deaths directly related to the temperature too.